Friday, July 04, 2008

Reading to Marlow

Miles 16.4 Locks 6
We went through Henley today and the rowing regatta is in full swing. We were handed a sheet of navigation instructions at Marsh lock telling us where to go and what to do. The only problem was if other boats were given the same instructions they did not read them. The important thing is to be seen and that includes the skippers of every type of boat you can think of all going roughly in the same direction no regard for where the closest boat is, although they seemed to know instinctively where their glass of wine was. On top of all this the Umpires launches weaving in and out to get to the bottom of the course for the next race. It was a fantastic experience and included riding out some pretty high swells with the boats bows going up and down. After Hambleton lock there must have been 15 – 20 boats waiting to get up to the Henley level including two passenger steamers. At Hurley lock we managed to get a glimps of the two Taylor boats Beyond and Lady Avon that used to moor in the High Lane arm.
Pictures today the extremes of boats to be seen at Henley, the view looking towards Temple Island with the race course on the right and the two Taylor boats at Hurley lock

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